Welcome to our web site.

Easier for Importers. Deferment of VAT on imports. Customs clearance of imports from the deferral of VAT already with us. You do not want to pay VAT on import? Call us.

We offer our clients a complex service connected with making applications in all of custom agency procedures. Our assets are experience in the custom agency line – a long-standing presence on the market of the custom agency and services, high quality services, sedateness and competence, reasonable prices, negotiations possibility and individual approach to every customer.

The aims of our commercial activity are:

  • efficient and complex providing services of the customs agency, in this:
  • the container logistics from Asiatic countries,
  • notifying of goods to the customs agency procedures by the means of the new CELINA and ECS system,
  • Составление статистических деклараций Intrastat,
  • submitting of the monthly INTARSTAT declarations,
  • doing an international forwarding,

The guarantor of our services are:

  • qualifications and experience of our employers,
  • a long-standing presence on the market,
  • professional customer service.

We are inviting You to get yourself acquainted with the offer of the services carried out by “SPEDYCJA” Custom Agency. Krystian Kuźmicz

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